
Vision HydraV YunXiong: Technology leads and enables high-quality development of fuel cells

Sep 22, 2021

From September 15 to 17, 2021, the Third World New Energy Vehicle Conference was grandly held, which was co sponsored by Hainan, China Association for Science and Technology, Hainan Provincial People's government, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Ecological Environment, Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development - Rural Development, Ministry of Transport, State Administration of Market Supervision, State Administration and State Energy Edministration.

Han Zheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice premier of the State Council, attended and delivered a speech at the conference by video in Beijing on September 16. Wan Gang, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology, attended the meeting and made a report in Haikou. Dr. Xiong Yun, chairman of Vision HydraV, was invited to attend the conference and delivered a keynote speech.

In recent years, energy and environmental protection have become the mainstream development trend, and major breakthroughs have been made in hydrogen energy application technology, which has made the entire hydrogen energy field from manufacturing to application widely concerned.

ZhengHan, clearly pointed out in his speech on the 16th that the bottleneck of fuel cell technology should be overcome and the research and development and industrialization of key technologies should be accelerated.

At the conference, chairman GangWan also once again emphasized the importance of hydrogen energy and fuel cell technology to achieve the "dual carbon" goal. He pointed out that "hydrogen energy and fuel cell technology are important ways for commercial vehicles to achieve'carbon neutrality'.

In the keynote speech, Dr. Xiong Yun emphasized the need to empower development with technology, promote the high-quality development of the entire fuel cell industry, and achieve cost reduction and efficiency enhancement of fuel cell engine systems from the technical level, and cost reduction with technology. At the same time, through industry-university-research cooperation, promote the transformation of research and development results, and empower the high-quality development of the fuel cell industry.

At present, Vision HydraV has formed a technology center focusing on system applications, engines and power electronics. Through the integration of engine control and power electronics technology, it reduces fuel cell engine energy consumption, improves product performance, and promotes the commercial operation of the fuel cell industry.

Vision HydraV has actively cooperated with universities in industry-university research. At present, it has cooperated with Tongji University in system integration control, South China University of Technology in key materials, Wuhan University of technology in key parts, Taiyuan University of Technology in system joint development, jointly established joint laboratories and transformed relevant achievements. At present, the fuel cell integrated controller jointly developed with Tongji University and the high-power ejector jointly developed with Wuhan University of Technology have been transformed.

In terms of data accumulation, Dr. Xiong Yun pointed out that data accumulation will help promote the high-quality development of fuel cell industry. Vision HydraV has carried out the demonstration and promotion of fuel cell commercial vehicles in many places through cooperation with main engine manufacturers. At present, the total operating mileage of various vehicles equipped with Vision hydrogen engine system products has exceeded 10 million kilometers, and a large amount of data has been accumulated. The company's big data platform collects, feeds back and analyzes these operation data in real time, and further optimizes the integration design and control strategy based on the analysis results.

In the future, VisionHydraV will continue to increase investment, enable industrial development with technology, embrace the national dual carbon strategy, and jointly promote the high-quality development of China's fuel cell industry with industrial chain partners!