
Multiple surprises: Vision Battery win four major awards at the TrendBank Annual Conference

Dec 16, 2022

The 2022 TrendBank Annual Conference on Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell Industry was successfully held in Ningbo from 13th to 15th December. The theme of the conference was "Clearing the Fog: The Road to Hydrogen Energy Development with Chinese Characteristics". As the annual event of the hydrogen energy industry, this conference attracted over 800 participants to discuss and exchange ideas.

In the award ceremony, Vision Battery won the "TrendBank Future Award" for its forward-looking industry insight and layout, and its excellent product technology and R&D capabilities.

At the award ceremony, Vision Battery won the "Potential Silver Future Award" for its forward-looking industry insight and layout, as well as its excellent product technology and R&D capabilities.

In March this year, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the National Energy Administration (NEA) jointly issued the Medium and Long Term Plan for the Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry (2021-2035), which elevates hydrogen energy to a strategic national energy status and ushers in unprecedented development opportunities for the hydrogen energy industry.

The dual carbon strategy is not only an energy disruption and revolution, but will also break the traditional economic structure and change the economic growth model. Hydrogen energy has four attributes: energy, material, material and fuel. It can be coupled with electric and chemical energy, and can efficiently integrate photovoltaic and wind power, and is a fundamental material to help China achieve the "double carbon" goal and the new energy, automotive and travel revolutions.

The technology is cultivated inwards and the products are grown upwards. Vision hydrogen energy supporting vehicles have operated for more than 13 million kilometres, with a total emission reduction of 18 million kilograms. At present, Vision HydraV Fuel Cell Tech. Co., Ltd. engine system covers two series, VISH and VISTAH, with power covering 52-130kW, and has matched 20 fuel cell buses, 47 fuel cell trucks/chassis and 4 models for application in the field of construction machinery into the announcement catalogue of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The company has also developed a new type of paper power stack, targeting the pain points of graphite and metal-based fuel cells.

In the new energy era, the hydrogen energy industry is moving forward in a wide range of applications that will cover transportation, electricity, construction, military and other aspects. In the future, Vision Battery will take the industry to serve the country and environmental sustainability as its responsibility, promote the healthy development of the industry, and contribute to the realization of green water and green mountains to build a beautiful China.