
HydraV Fuel Cell Co., Ltd. and Senergy Fuel Cell Technology both win the title of TOP 50 companies in the hydrogen fuel cell industry

Aug 18, 2022

The "2022 (4th) GaoGong Hydrogen Power Industry Summit" was held in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province from August 15 to 17, with over 600 industry experts, business leaders and investment elites present to discuss the future development of hydrogen energy.

At the opening ceremony on August 15, Dr. Chen Hong, Vice President of Vision Group, was invited to deliver a speech and attend the opening session of the special roundtable dialogue.

Dr. Chen Hong: The global hydrogen energy industry has ushered in a major opportunity for rapid development. Technology leads, industry speeds up; multiple parties reduce costs, industry chain synergy; united but different, technology breakthrough, this is the direction of joint efforts of industry partners.

As a firm promoter of new energy, Vision Group also calls on the upstream and downstream partners of the industry chain to collaborate at multiple levels and develop in synergy with each region, so that with the support of government policies, we can resonate with each other and make mutual benefits.

During the summit, Dr. Qi He, R&D Director of Senergy Fuel Cell Technology, delivered a keynote speech on the development of membrane electrodes and their application in hydrogen fuel cells.

"The development of the whole industry has corresponding requirements in terms of technology, lifetime and cost, and these requirements finally come down to membrane electrodes." Dr Qi He said that after two decades of development, the whole membrane electrode segment has made a breakthrough, with significant progress in both power density and platinum loading. The next generation of membrane electrodes may be in the next three to five years, the cost will drop from 600 yuan/kW at this stage to 300 yuan/kW, the performance is expected to break through 2W/c㎡, and the loading can be 0.1 mg or even below.

At this stage, Vision Group's hydrogen energy ecological chain has been laid out from upstream to downstream, from hydrogen production and hydrogen refueling stations to midstream membrane electrodes, electric reactors and engine systems, and has penetrated into the downstream application scenarios of various hydrogen vehicles.

Huang Yiyuan, Senior Engineer and Deputy Director of R&D of Senergy Fuel Cell Technology, delivered a keynote speech on "Meditation and precipitation, building a technical barrier for fuel cell system" and attended the roundtable dialogue session of the hydrogen energy special session.

He said that the pain points in the development of hydrogen fuel cell systems include: difficulties in matching the whole vehicle, ambiguous component characteristics, unclear system output targets, unclear cost boundaries and unreliable system endurance evaluation.

Based on the above pain points, the development direction of the hydrogen male system is: 1, high integration, high power density system, from the system level to force the parts level to do optimization; 2, low hydrogen consumption system, through the hydrogen consumption constraint reactor boundaries, parts boundaries, hope that the system rated point efficiency exceeds 48%, the system rated point hydrogen consumption annual optimization 10%; 3, low cost system, under the premise of preserving the performance, firstly, the core 4. Highly durable system, firstly, strategic control based on the characteristics of the electric reactor, and secondly, achievable fault diagnosis methods based on the system level.

In the award ceremony, HydraV Fuel Cell Co., Ltd. and Senergy Fuel Cell Technology both won the TOP 50 award for the hydrogen fuel cell industry!

As a global leader in fuel cell solutions, we will continue to leverage our leading solutions, complete industry chain and quality services to lead the industry to seize development opportunities, build a smart and environmentally friendly hydrogen ecosystem and continue to strive to achieve our dual carbon goals.