
Vision Guangzhou HydraV Heng joins hands with various

Jul 1, 2020

On October 22, 2020, Vision Group's subsidiary GuangzhouHydraV Heng, Skill King Motors, and Universal Logistics formally signed a strategic cooperation agreement, to jointly plan the future development of hydrogen energy ,and help Huangpu and Zengcheng district realize the cross-regional linkage development of hydrogen energy industry chain and foundation facilities.

Through the strong cooperation between the above-mentioned enterprises, the all-round industrial chain of hydrogen energy infrastructure construction and hydrogen fuel cell production, manufacturing, vehicle equipment and scene operation will be formally opened, creating a new pattern for the development of Guangzhou's hydrogen energy industry.

(Dr. Xiong Yun, General Manager of Guangzhou HydraV Heng, and Mr. Haixing Zhu, chairman of Skill King Motors, signed the cooperation agreement)

On the same day, more than 100 leaders from Guangzhou Development and Reform Commission, Huangpu District and Zengcheng district development and Reform Bureau, experts and partners of Vision Group, HengYun Enterprise and relevant business units witnessed the signing ceremony, and they visited the stack and engine production base and prototype vehicles of Vision HydraV Heng, experienced its achievements in hydrogen energy innovation and development on site.

(Visit production workshop)

(Prototype vehicle equipped with HydraV Heng engine)

Joint efforts to open up Guangzhou hydrogen industry chain

At the signing event, Dr. Yun Xiong, general manager of Vision HydraV Heng, stated that it is the hydrogen energy development strategy of Vision Group to base itself on Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and establish a national layout. In the past year, with the care of the governments at all levels in Guangzhou and the support of the Huangpu Development Zone, Vision HydraV Heng has made considerable progress from landing to development. Through this strategic cooperation, we will vigorously promote the new cooperation between the upstream and downstream (including the operation end) of the hydrogen energy industry chain in Guangzhou, and make unremitting efforts to make the hydrogen energy industry in Guangzhou bigger and stronger.

In June of this year, the hydrogen fuel cell engine system with core independent intellectual property rights owned by Vision HydraV Heng was applied to the first hydrogen fuel cell bus demonstration line in Guangzhou. The current total operating mileage has reached 300,000 kilometers. In the future, Vision HydraV Heng will continue to work with hydrogen energy industry chain companies, based in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, to promote the demonstration operation of multiple hydrogen fuel vehicles in Guangzhou, and to jointly build an ecosystem for the sound development of the hydrogen energy industry chain.

(Representatives of all parties witnessed the signing)

The future can be expected to win-win cooperation

In this strategic signing event, the two parties reached a cooperation agreement on the construction of hydrogen energy industry infrastructure. In the future, they will jointly build hydrogen refueling stations in Zengcheng and Guangzhou district with domestic oil giants enterprise, and improve Zengcheng’s hydrogen energy infrastructure construction; at the same time, it will promote the healthy development of Huangpu's hydrogen energy industry.

The two parties reached an agreement to establish a cooperation model of "Integration of Stations and Vehicles" to promote cooperation in Guangzhou's hydrogen energy infrastructure and realize the cross-regional development of Guangzhou's hydrogen energy industry.

Skill King Motor, the contracting party of the ceremony, focuses on the R & D, production, sales and service of large and medium-sized buses, and will extend the application scenarios of hydrogen energy commercial vehicles in the future. Universal Logistics has rich experience in residue transportation and safety management, and will be committed to the application of hydrogen energy residue vehicles in the future. Ce Zhang, general manager of Skill King Motor, and Zhiqing Huang, general manager of Universal Logistics, said that the strategic cooperation with Vision HydraV Heng is the beginning of the demonstration operation of various hydrogen fuel vehicles developed by Skill King Motor and Universal logistics, and is also a boost to the existing demonstration operation of hydrogen energy bus in Guangzhou.

With the high attention of the Guangzhou municipal government, many companies are gathering all forces, increasing investment, strengthening hydrogen energy application demonstrations, accelerating the formation of an innovation core for the hydrogen energy industry, creating a world-class hydrogen energy industry cluster, and the future of Guangzhou hydrogen energy development is promising!