

Vision Hydrogen Weekly丨Opening the Linyi-Qingdao intercity hydrogen trunk line! The 14th Five-Year Plan for Energy Development in Zhejiang Province was released, and 54 hydrogen refuelling stations are planned to be built in Dongguan City.

May 24, 2022

【Policy】Policy | Zhejiang Province Energy Development "14th Five-Year Plan" Issued

On May 19, the People's Government of Zhejiang Province issued the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for Energy Development in Zhejiang Province" (hereinafter referred to as "the Plan").

In terms of hydrogen energy, the Plan states that

1. Strengthen the safety and security of electricity supply. Enhance the flexibility and reliability of the power system, actively explore the development of new types of energy storage facilities, pilot the construction of projects such as hydrogen energy storage and cold and thermal energy storage, and build a number of power-side, grid-side and user-side electrochemical energy storage projects.

2. Promote energy efficiency. Promote energy saving and consumption reduction in key industries, and speed up energy-saving renovation in key industries such as electricity, petrochemicals, chemical fibres, iron and steel, and building materials. Implement renovation of coal power units whose coal consumption for power supply fails to meet national requirements. Comprehensively promote the energy efficiency diagnosis of Zhoushan Green Petrochemical Base and ban the production of hydrogen from coal.

3. Promote new energy applications such as hydrogen energy. Promote the application of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in urban public transport, ports and intercity logistics, and plan to build nearly 50 hydrogen refuelling stations by 2025. Explore the application of hydrogen fuel cell combined heat and power supply systems. Make good use of the province's industrial by-product hydrogen and other resources, and explore the pilot production of hydrogen from renewable energy sources such as wind power and photovoltaic.

4. Breakthrough in a number of key core technologies. In the fields of renewable energy development, hydrogen energy, energy storage, energy conservation and emission reduction, focus on breaking through key core technologies such as photovoltaic components, gas turbines, deep-sea wind power, hydrogen energy production, storage and transportation, electrochemical energy storage and carbon dioxide capture and storage utilization. Rely on the National Green Technology Exchange to promote the transformation and application.

5. Promote the development of the energy equipment industry. Fully support the sustainable development of wind power, photovoltaic, energy storage, hydrogen energy and other energy equipment industries, and encourage enterprises to transform from simple equipment manufacturers to comprehensive service providers. Take advantage of the province's complete photovoltaic industry chain, and make up for the shortcomings of the wind power industry chain. Promote the development of a new type of safe, efficient, green and environmentally friendly electrochemical energy storage industry, and build an industrial chain for the recycling of retired power batteries and energy storage reuse. Strengthen the advantages of hydrogen production in the upstream of the hydrogen energy industry chain, cultivate the renewable energy hydrogen production industry, and extend the development of the hydrogen energy storage and refilling industry.

6. Implement a number of engineering projects. Explore the construction of a number of comprehensive sites that combine the functions of natural gas, energy storage, hydrogen energy and rapid charging and switching.

7. Accelerate scientific and technological innovation. Develop a regional energy management system with multiple energy streams such as electricity, heat, cooling, storage and hydrogen, promote major technology projects such as large-scale and efficient energy storage, hydrogen fuel cells, carbon dioxide capture and storage, and carry out intelligent and comprehensive energy services. Explore the new development model of "offshore wind power application base + ocean energy + onshore industrial base" in the offshore and deep sea.

8. Improve regulations and standards. Improve energy standards and regulations, promote the revision of the "Measures for the Implementation of the Energy Conservation Law of the People's Republic of China in Zhejiang Province", "Regulations for the Promotion of Renewable Energy Development and Utilization in Zhejiang Province", and explore legislation on electricity and the right to use energy. Actively carry out the development of local standards and industry standards in the fields of hydrogen energy utilization, energy storage, energy efficiency and power demand-side management.

【Policy】5,000 hydrogen vehicles and 30 stations! Development Plan for New Energy Vehicle Industry in Chengdu (2022-2025) (Draft for Comments)

On May 17, the Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Economic and Information Technology issued the "Chengdu New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Plan (2022-2025) (Draft for Comments)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Draft for Comments").

In the area of hydrogen energy, the Draft Opinion states

I. Development objectives

1. Promote the construction of hydrogen refuelling infrastructure. The construction plan of hydrogen refuelling stations will be published, social capital will be encouraged to participate in the construction of hydrogen refuelling stations, and a new model of "hydrogen-oil-gas" integrated energy stations and "hydrogen production-storage -hydrogen refuelling" integrated demonstration stations will be explored. Hydrogen refuelling" is a new model for the construction of integrated demonstration stations, and the layout of hydrogen refuelling stations in the demonstration area will be appropriately expanded, so as to initially complete the service guarantee system of hydrogen refuelling stations in the city and build a half-hour hydrogen refuelling network in Chengdu. Guide the existing refuelling and filling stations to be upgraded and expanded, and introduce charging, power exchange, hydrogen refuelling and photovoltaic, etc., to innovate the "oil, gas, hydrogen, electricity and non-hydrogen" integrated energy service model. Carry out pilot projects of large-scale hydrogen production from surplus water and electricity, promote the construction of Pengzhou electrolytic water green hydrogen plant Phase I and Phase II, and build small-scale hydrogen production and hydrogen refuelling stations in Pidu, Longquanyi and other areas on a pilot basis. Promote the layout of hydrogen refuelling stations along highways such as Chengyu, Chengdemian, Chengya, Chengzhi and Chengnan. By 2025, 30 hydrogen refuelling stations of various types will be built.

2. Expand the demonstration and application of fuel cell vehicles. The city has issued a fuel cell vehicle promotion plan and a number of policies to support the promotion and application of fuel cell vehicles, declared a fuel cell vehicle demonstration city group, and strived to create a national fuel cell vehicle demonstration city. Relying on the demonstration lines of hydrogen fuel cell bus application in Pidu District, Longquanyi District and Xinjin District, promote the demonstration operation of fuel cell vehicles in urban bus scenarios. Relying on intercity transport, tourism passenger transport and other areas of demonstration, demonstrate and promote intercity buses, freight heavy trucks and other heavy-duty fuel cell commercial vehicles, forming a green "hydrogen corridor" with Chengdu as the hub and radiating within Sichuan. By 2025, we will strive to promote 5,000 new hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

3. Achieve a breakthrough in technological innovation. The hydrogen consumption of hydrogen fuel cell buses will be less than 5.5kg/100km, and the core technologies such as the life span of on-board electric reactor, volume power density of electric reactor and low temperature starting will reach the domestic advanced level.

Information source: Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Economic and Information Technology

【Industry】 SHENZHEN CENTER POWER TECH CO.LTD to invest in the establishment of Guangdong Yuntao Hydrogen Energy Technology Co.(hereinafter referred to as "Vision Group") and Guangzhou Baiyun Industry Investment Group Co. (hereinafter referred to as "Guangdong Dehydro") and Guangdong Yunju Hydrogen Energy Technology Partnership (Limited Partnership) (hereinafter referred to as "Guangdong Yunju") signed the "Shareholders' Agreement on Guangdong Yuntao Hydrogen Energy Technology Co. Ltd. in Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province.

Information source: Juchao Information Website

【Policy】 54 hydrogen refuelling stations! The 14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Hydrogen Refuelling Stations in Dongguan (2021-2025) was issued

On May 16, the Development and Reform Bureau of Dongguan City issued the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Hydrogen Refueling Stations in Dongguan City (2021-2025)" (hereinafter referred to as "the Plan").

The Plan states that 22 hydrogen refuelling stations are planned to be built in the city by 2024 (near and medium term), with a total of 29 to be built by the end of 2025, including six secondary stations. By 2025, another 25 stations will be ready for planning and pre-production, and 54 stations will be built by 2030.

A total of 54 stations have been selected in strict accordance with the technical requirements, including 1 in Shilong Town, 2 in Humen Town, 4 in Dongcheng Street, 3 in Wanjiang Street, 1 in Nancheng Street, 1 in Zhongtang Town, 1 in Wangniudun Town, 2 in Machong Town, 1 in Shijie Town, 3 in Gosu Town, 2 in Daojiao Town, 2 in Houjie Town, 2 in Sha Tin Town, 2 in Chang'an Town, 2 in Liaobu Town, 2 in Daling The 54 sites include 9 hydrogen refuelling stations, 2 hydrogen refuelling and gas refuelling integrated energy stations, 12 hydrogen refuelling and charging integrated energy stations, 24 hydrogen refuelling and charging integrated energy stations, and 7 hydrogen refuelling and charging integrated energy stations. 7 refuelling and hydrogen charging stations. Among the integrated energy stations, 7 are expansion projects of existing refuelling stations for hydrogen refuelling and 24 are new refuelling points.

Information source: Dongguan Development and Reform Bureau

【News】Economic Daily | Building a multi-level hydrogen energy industry system

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration jointly released the Medium and Long-term Plan for the Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry (2021-2035), in which hydrogen energy is formally established as an important part of the future national energy system and becomes an important carrier for achieving green and low-carbon transformation. As a strategic emerging industry and the key development direction of future industries, hydrogen energy will provide an important strategic choice for China to accelerate energy transformation and upgrade and cultivate new economic growth points.

Safety is the prerequisite for the development of the hydrogen energy industry. It is necessary to accelerate the research and development of safety technologies, establish safety systems and strengthen the supervision of safety production.

Optimization of layout is the core of the development of the hydrogen energy industry. We should optimize the layout of the hydrogen energy industry according to local conditions, taking into account the conditions of energy resources and the advantages of industrial clustering in each region.

Model innovation is the fulcrum for the development of hydrogen energy industry. The relevant policies should be actively used to innovate the commercial and cross-industry multi-market synergistic development model of the hydrogen energy industry and create a high-value hydrogen energy industry chain.

Information source: Economic Daily

【Industry】 Zhang Jianhua: Complete and accurate full implementation of the new energy security strategy and scientific and orderly promotion of green, low-carbon and high-quality energy development

On May 13, the media platform of the National Energy Administration (NEA) reprinted the article "Complete and Accurate Implementation of the New Energy Security Strategy, Scientific and Orderly Promotion of Green, Low-Carbon and High-Quality Energy Development" published by Zhang Jianhua, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the NEA, in the "Party Building" magazine.

The article stresses that the premise of ensuring energy security supply and economic and social development is to co-ordinate development and security, and to calculate a good "comprehensive account"; the main line of accelerating the building of a strong energy country is to co-ordinate long-term and short-term, and to calculate a good "long-term account"; to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutral as scheduled With the goal of achieving carbon neutrality as scheduled, the overall and local aspects of the project will be integrated and the "overall account" will be well calculated.

Information source: National Energy Administration

【Policy】 Six items in the field of hydrogen energy were selected, and the Catalogue of Industries to Encourage Foreign Investment (2022 Version) was released for public consultation

On May 10, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) jointly released the "Catalogue of Industries Encouraging Foreign Investment (2022 Version) (Draft for Public Comments)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Foreign Investment Catalogue"), which sets out specific industries, fields and regions to encourage and guide foreign investors to invest in. The Foreign Investment Catalogue covers the field of hydrogen energy in six specific categories, including hydrogen fuel green preparation technology, storage, transportation, liquefaction, etc.

The Foreign Investment Catalogue (FIC) has revised the Catalogue of Industries to Encourage Foreign Investment (2020 Edition), with the overall consideration of "increasing the total number of entries and optimising the structure". The main revisions are, firstly, to continue to encourage foreign investment in manufacturing. The national catalogue has added or expanded the entries of components, parts and equipment manufacturing. The second is to continue to encourage foreign investment in productive services. The national catalogue has added or expanded entries on professional design, technical services and development. Third, foreign investment in the central and western regions and the northeast will continue to be encouraged. The Central and Western Catalogue has added or expanded entries based on the advantages of labour force and special resources of each region and the need to attract investment.

Information source: National Development and Reform Commission

【Industry】Shenzhen Senergy Fuel Cell Technology Co., Ltd. W1.0 Metal Plate Reactor New Product Launch Successfully Held

On May 19th, Shenzhen, China, Shenzhen Senergy Fuel Cell Technology Co., Ltd. W1.0 metal plate power stack new product launch was held. More than 200 elite leaders, media, customers and partners from the industry were invited to witness this grand event.

The new product W1.0 metal plate reactor released this time has features such as high volume power density, which can reach a peak volume power density of 5.4kW/L; fast load pulling, from idle speed to rated power in 2.4s; high insulation; fast low temperature cold start, which is not afraid of cold environment.