
Vision Hydrogen Weekly丨Henan, Ningxia, Jilin City and Qingdao City release hydrogen energy related policies, the world's first in-situ hydrogen offshore wind turbine is expected to be completed by 2025

Sep 14, 2022

Based on the hydrogen energy and fuel cell industry and its industry chain, China Battery Industry Association's Hydrogen Energy Manufacturer and Fuel Cell Branch aims to build a high-end communication platform for upstream and downstream industry chain enterprises, collect representative opinions from the industry, undertake research work on topics planned by relevant ministries and commissions, promote the improvement of hydrogen energy and fuel cell-related technologies, and thus promote the progress of China's new energy industry. Vision Group is the executive vice president of the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Branch of the China Battery Industry Association.

【Policy】 10% hydrogen storage and 10% hydrogen transport according to vehicle load! Jiaxing Haiyan issued a number of policy opinions to promote the development of hydrogen energy industry

Recently, Haiyan County People's Government issued the "Haiyan County to accelerate the development of hydrogen energy industry a number of policy views (draft for comment)".

In terms of hydrogen energy, the document states that

1. Encourage the construction of industrial service platforms. Around the common needs of hydrogen energy industry development, rely on scientific research institutions, universities and colleges, enterprises and institutions to build industrial public service platforms such as hydrogen energy standard research, testing and experimentation and safety operation monitoring, to enhance the comprehensive service capacity of hydrogen energy industry and guarantee the safe, orderly and standardized development of hydrogen energy industry. A subsidy of RMB 10 million will be given according to 40% of the total investment in the construction of the platform.

2. Strengthen the construction of R&D capacity of enterprises.

2.1 To give 1:1 matching incentives to the newly identified provincial key enterprise research institutes in accordance with the provincial financial subsidies.

2.2 A 1 million yuan incentive for newly identified provincial-level enterprise research institutes.

2.3 For identified provincial key laboratories and provincial engineering research centres, an incentive of RMB 1 million, and for municipal key laboratories, an incentive of RMB 500,000.

2.4 A reward of RMB 3 million, RMB 1 million and RMB 200,000 for accredited national, provincial and municipal manufacturing innovation centres and enterprise technology centres respectively.

2.5 For enterprises to cooperate in research and development, commission research and development or introduce purchased technology and other ways to implement industry-university research projects, 30% subsidy according to the actual expenditure paid for external cooperation, with a limit of 2 million yuan.

3 Encourage research and development of key technologies and equipment.

3.1 For those listed in the catalogue of key components and widely used in the creation of national fuel cell vehicle demonstration cities, a limit of RMB 20 million will be granted in accordance with the national comprehensive assessment and reward points.

3.2 To reward 3 million yuan, 2 million yuan, 1 million yuan and 250,000 yuan respectively for projects identified as the first set of international, domestic, provincial and municipal major technical equipment, the first batch of new materials and the first version of industrial software.

3.3 Include in the national and provincial key technology innovation special, provincial key high-tech product development project plan, through the identification or acceptance were given 1 million yuan, 400,000 yuan, 200,000 yuan incentives.

4. Support the construction of major hydrogen energy industry projects. For the key components or terminal products of hydrogen energy industry, if the total investment in fixed assets is more than 100 million yuan (inclusive) but less than 500 million yuan, the subsidy will be given at 12% of the actual equipment investment, with a limit of 40 million yuan; if the total investment in fixed assets is 500 million yuan (inclusive) or more, the subsidy will be given at 15% of the actual equipment investment, with a subsidy limit of 60 million yuan for a single project. The county and town (street) finance each bear 50%.

5. Support the technical transformation of enterprises. If an enterprise implements technical transformation of the hydrogen energy industry and the investment in productive equipment reaches 5 million yuan or more, a subsidy will be given at 18% of the actual investment in equipment, with a limit of 15 million yuan for a single enterprise.

6. Strengthen the attraction of hydrogen energy industry projects. For the introduction of key components or terminal products of the hydrogen energy industry, the intermediary agency (introducer) will be recognized by the County Bureau of Commerce, and the foreign-funded project will be rewarded at the rate of 1% of the actual utilized foreign capital (Ministry of Finance) and the domestic-funded project will be rewarded at the rate of 1% of the investment in fixed assets (subject to the confirmation of the statistics department), with a cycle not exceeding three years from the date of registration of the project.

Information source: Haiyan County People's Government

【Industry]】Jilin Baisan Energy Development "14th Five-Year Plan": Strengthen hydrogen energy production, storage and transportation to promote the development of hydrogen energy technology

Recently, the 14th Five-Year Plan for Energy Development in Baisan City, Jilin Province was released, in which hydrogen energy was pointed out as follows: to steadily and orderly promote key energy technology and equipment research and development, and to explore and promote the technological progress and industrial development of energy storage and hydrogen energy.

The independent innovation capability of energy science and technology will be further enhanced, and cutting-edge technologies such as hydrogen energy and oil shale will be demonstrated and applied.

Seizing the strategic direction of green, low-carbon and intelligent development of energy, we will strengthen the research and development of advanced technologies such as hydrogen energy production, storage and transportation, high-performance fuel cells, shale oil and gas development and utilisation, biomass geothermal energy utilisation, "Internet +" smart energy, large-capacity energy storage, high-efficiency solar power and large-capacity wind power and other new energy generation, and promote intelligent coal mining and clean and efficient coal utilisation. The government will also promote the research and development, introduction and application of advanced technologies such as coal mining and clean and efficient coal utilization, promote the transformation of technological achievements, and drive industrial transformation and upgrading with technological progress.

Information source: Baishan Municipal People's Government

【Policy】Ningxia: Seize the high ground in hydrogen energy technology development and application, develop off-grid renewable energy electrolytic water for hydrogen production

On September 13, the People's Government of Ningxia Autonomous Region issued a notice on the "14th Five-Year Plan for Energy Development in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region", in which hydrogen energy is stated as follows

Explore ways to guide various market players to invest in, construct and operate infrastructure for the preparation, storage, transportation and refilling of hydrogen for fuel cells through financial subsidies and financial awards. Scientifically plan and lay out hydrogen refuelling stations and hydrogen transmission pipelines in Ningdong Energy and Chemical Base, and gradually expand the hydrogen supply network. Support the construction of combined hydrogen refuelling/refuelling and hydrogen refuelling/charging stations, encourage the use of existing refuelling, refuelling and charging stations for the conversion and expansion of hydrogen refuelling facilities, and innovate the development of integrated oil, gas, hydrogen and electricity supply services.

We will vigorously promote the application of electric heating, electric vehicles and electric hydrogen production, strengthen the construction of demand-side management and response systems, and guide the participation of interruptible commercial and industrial loads, electric vehicle charging networks and virtual power plants in system regulation, so that by the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan, the demand-side response capacity of the whole region will reach more than 5% of the maximum electricity consumption.

Focus on developing technologies and equipment for the production and use of clean energy such as hydrogen, wind power and photovoltaic, and promote cost reduction through technological innovation. Focus on research and development of advanced energy materials such as high-performance silicon materials for photovoltaics and high-performance positive and negative electrode materials, and promote the industry to leap up to the middle and high end of the value chain. We will carry out research and development of core technologies in key areas such as key materials for hydrogen production, storage and transmission, green hydrogen chemicals, and natural gas hydrogen blending. Accelerate technology research and development and product upgrading, consolidate the technological leadership and product market share of the coal mining machinery industry, and promote the large-scale production of key energy components such as large hydraulic turbine blades and cast steel parts. Relying on the Ningxia Carbon Dioxide Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) Technology Center, systematically assess the potential of geological utilization and storage of carbon dioxide in the region, conduct research on key technologies such as carbon dioxide emission capture, utilization and storage, and build a million-tonne CCUS demonstration project in Ningdong Energy and Chemical Base.

Information source: Ningxia Autonomous Region People's Government

【Industry】World's first in-situ hydrogen offshore wind turbine, see you in 2025!

Recently, Swedish developer Vattenfall announced that it has received £9.3 million in funding from the UK government to attempt to build the world's first in-situ hydrogen producing offshore wind turbine at its Aberdeen offshore wind farm development.

Located in Aberdeen Bay, Scotland, approximately 3km offshore, the Aberdeen Offshore Wind Farm has an installed capacity of 93.2MW with 11 Vestas 8MW turbines (two capable of being upgraded to 8.8MW and nine capable of being upgraded to 8.4MW) and is the first wind farm in the world to use a catenary suction tube foundation.

The project was originally planned for commissioning in 2015, but was delayed until 2018 after former US President Donald Trump sued the wind farm for affecting the view from his golf course on the coast. The demonstration project, called Hydrogen Turbine 1 (HT1), will see one of the turbines selected by Great Falls to install a proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolytic water production plant on a catenary platform, which will produce hydrogen The hydrogen produced will be transported via a subsea pipeline to the Port of Aberdeen, with a target completion date of 2025. It is predicted that the turbine will produce enough hydrogen to power a hydrogen bus for 24,000km per day.

Information source: European Offshore Wind

【Industry】Tang Tingjiang, Vision Hydrogen Team: Plan to reduce hydrogen consumption by 30% by 2025

On September 7-8, the "2022 TrendBank Fuel Cell Industry Conference (FCIC)", hosted by TrendBank, was held at the Courtyard by Marriott Suzhou.

Dr.Tang Tingjiang pointed out that Vision Hydrogen Team hopes to achieve the localization of key BOP components as much as possible under the premise of completely independent design and development, and to steadily advance through small batch demonstration operations in order to achieve the localization of key BOP components. At the moment, Xiongtao Hydrogenxiong has made efficiency improvement the main internal research direction, firstly by demanding a reduction in auxiliary power consumption, and secondly by increasing the hydrogen utilisation rate as much as possible and increasing the efficiency of the new system, which is planned to be increased to over 50%. Then the problem of hydrogen consumption, which is closely related to the efficiency increase, is also inevitable. Xiongtao Hydroxiong plans to reduce hydrogen consumption by 30% in 2025 compared to 2022, to achieve the world's leading extreme hydrogen consumption.

Information source: Potential Silver Energy Chain

【Policy】Henan Province 2025: 5000 hydrogen vehicles, hydrogen under 30 yuan, 100 billion output value! Build the Zhengbian Luopu hydrogen corridor!

On September 6, the People's Government of Henan Province issued the Notice on the Issuance of Medium and Long-term Plan for the Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry in Henan Province (2022-2035) and the Work Plan for the Planning and Construction of Zheng Bian Luo Pu Hydrogen Corridor (hereinafter referred to as the "Planning Plan").

The Planning Programme specifies that.

By 2025, breakthroughs will be made in the field of key technologies and equipment manufacturing in the hydrogen energy industry, the industrial chain will be basically complete, more than 100 enterprises related to the industrial chain will be reached, and the annual output value of the hydrogen energy industry will exceed 100 billion yuan. Play a leading role in infrastructure and build a number of hydrogen refuelling stations in a moderately advanced manner. The application field of hydrogen energy will be expanded continuously, hydrogen energy substitution in the transportation field will take shape, more than 5,000 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles of various types will be promoted, the supply capacity of hydrogen for vehicles will reach 30,000 tons/year, the terminal selling price of hydrogen will drop to less than 30 yuan/kg, the proportion of green and low-carbon will be increased continuously, and 3-5 green hydrogen demonstration projects will be built. The hydrogen corridor of ZhengBianLuoPu will be basically completed, the demonstration and application of fuel cell vehicles in the city cluster of Zhengzhou will achieve obvious results, and the national advanced manufacturing cluster of hydrogen energy will be initially built.

Information source: Henan Provincial People's Government

【Policy】Qingdao: maximum reward of 50 million for vehicle enterprises, hydrogen subsidy of 15-20 RMB/kg for hydrogen refuelling stations

On September 8, Qingdao City released Several Policy Measures for Accelerating the Development of New Energy Vehicle Industry in Qingdao City (Draft for Comments) (hereinafter referred to as "Draft for Comments").

The Draft Opinion states that it supports the development of the hydrogen fuel cell vehicle industry.

To reward the fuel cell vehicles produced by vehicle manufacturing enterprises invested and established in the city and included in the city's statistical accounting, an incentive will be given to increase production and efficiency based on 1% of the actual sales revenue growth over the previous year (2022 over 2021, 2023 over 2022 and 2024 over 2023), with the total incentive amount for a single enterprise not exceeding 50 million yuan during the policy period. (Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Municipal Bureau of Finance)

For vehicle manufacturers that produce both hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and other new energy vehicle products, the incentive for increasing the production and efficiency of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles will be accounted for separately and will not affect the enjoyment of the incentive for "supporting new energy vehicle manufacturers to increase production and efficiency" under this policy measure.

Supporting the reduction of hydrogen refuelling costs for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. For hydrogen refuelling stations built and operated in our city, if the terminal sales price does not exceed RMB 35 yuan/Kg, the operating subsidy will be given according to RMB 20 yuan/Kg in 2023 and RMB 15 yuan/Kg in 2024. (Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Municipal Bureau of Finance)

Information source: Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Justice