
Vision fuel cell weekly report丨Henan starts to create hydrogen energy cultural tourism! Vision Group's hydrogen bus starts operation! Hubei's 14th Five-Year Plan for energy development released

May 26, 2022

【Policy】 100 hydrogen refueling stations to create a hydrogen cultural tour in Henan! Henan released "Guidance on Further Accelerating the Development of New Energy Vehicle Industry

On 19 May, the People's Government of Henan Province issued the Guidance Opinions on Further Accelerating the Development of the New Energy Vehicle Industry (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions").

In terms of hydrogen energy, the Opinion points out that by 2025, the technical level and scale of charging (replacement) and hydrogen refuelling (storage) facilities and the quality of operation in the province will be significantly improved, more than 100 hydrogen refuelling stations will be built, and full coverage of key application areas will be achieved.

Main directions
Expand the scale of complete vehicles, enhance the competitive advantage of new energy buses, seize the opportunity of Zhengzhou city cluster and the construction of "Zhengbian Luopu hydrogen corridor", and vigorously develop fuel cell buses.

Key tasks
1. Accelerate the collaborative innovation of the industry chain.

2. Accelerate the core technology research of fuel cell vehicles.

3. Accelerate the promotion and demonstration application of new energy vehicles. Take passenger vehicles as the application traction, freight vehicles as the main application scenario, and passenger vehicles as the auxiliary, carry out demonstration applications of fuel cell vehicles, and create demonstration business cards of hydrogen energy culture and logistics in Henan.

4. Promote the construction of hydrogen refuelling facilities in an orderly manner. Study and plan the construction of hydrogen refuelling stations in Zhengzhou city cluster.

5. Promote the integrated development of fuel cell vehicles and hydrogen energy industry.

Information source: People's Government of Henan Province

【Industry】 Germany's hydrogen energy development plan under the Russia-Ukraine conflict: a list of 12 projects

In response to the launch of a new European strategy for hydrogen energy on 18 March 2022 - the Joint Action Programme for Affordable, Secure and Sustainable Energy in Europe (REPowerEU) - experts from across Europe, at the initiative of the German government, have come together to identify the most pressing green hydrogen research issues at European level, which are summarised in the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). The process also involved the European Commission and representatives from a wide range of European countries, science, industry and civil society.

The project is coordinated by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) has been handed over to the BMBF's Green Hydrogen Innovation Officer and the concrete implementation steps will be launched at a mixed expert meeting on 16 and 17 May.

Information source: Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China

【Policy】 Hebei: Building a whole industrial chain of hydrogen energy production, storage, transportation, processing and use to jointly build a hydrogen fuel cell heavy truck freight corridor

Recently, the People's Government of Hebei Province issued the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Implementation of Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction in Hebei Province", in which hydrogen energy is stated as follows

Energy-saving and emission reduction projects in transportation and logistics. Promote the construction of green railways, green roads and green ports, and accelerate the improvement of infrastructure such as charging and switching, hydrogen refilling and port shore power. Promote low-carbon transport, eliminate old fuel vehicles, accelerate the application of new energy and clean energy vehicles in urban buses, rental cars, logistics, sanitation and cleaning, ports and other areas, and promote transportation facilities such as hydrogen fuel cell heavy trucks.

Explore the establishment of energy consumption and emission reduction sharing mechanisms around the decommissioning of Beijing's non-capital functions. Jointly build a whole industrial chain of hydrogen energy production, storage, transportation, addition and use with Beijing and Tianjin, and jointly build a hydrogen fuel cell heavy truck freight corridor.

Promote the innovation and leading development of clean energy in Zhangjiakou and Chengde, speed up the construction of Zhangjiakou Renewable Energy Demonstration Zone, expand the scale of renewable energy outward transmission and improve the local consumption rate, accelerate the construction of Chengde 10 million kilowatt-class clean energy power generation base, increase the development and utilization of pumped storage and other clean energy, and vigorously promote the construction of green hydrogen preparation projects in Zhangjiakou and Chengde.

Information source: Hebei Provincial People's Government

【Dynamic】The policy continues to support the "14th Five-Year Plan" period of the domestic hydrogen energy vehicles is expected to enter the mass production stage

2021 is the year when the hydrogen energy industry policy has been comprehensively improved and landed, from the central subsidy policy to the planning rules of local governments. 2021 has seen a succession of hydrogen energy industry policies landed since the second half of the year, with five central ministries and commissions jointly launching the demonstration application of fuel cells at the end of August, specifying three major demonstration application city clusters and the specific mechanism of subsidies at the central level. Subsequently, local governments have also followed up by issuing industrial plans and supporting subsidy rules. Looking ahead to the next 1-2 years, central and local policies are expected to continue to overlap, with fuel cell demonstration application city clusters expected to expand and industry top-level design expected to be introduced. The establishment of industry "rules of the game" and policy systems will bring an east wind to industrial development and help stimulate the scale and technology of leading enterprises to stand out.

It is expected that in 2022, under the new subsidy policy, the expansion layout of fuel cell vehicle enterprises may be more positive. Meanwhile, under the incentive of the "double carbon" target, local governments and state-owned enterprises are also expected to actively promote the development of hydrogen energy industrialization and project landing. It is expected that the new incremental volume of fuel cell vehicles will reach 8,000 to 10,000 units in 2022, among which hydrogen heavy trucks will have obvious promotion advantages both in terms of subsidy amount and application scenarios, and it is expected that the sales of buses/heavy trucks/logistics vehicles will reach 1,000/3500/4500 units respectively in 2022, and the trial promotion of passenger cars is also expected to occur with 50 to 100 units. The uptake of fuel cell vehicles will also promote the construction of hydrogen refuelling stations, which may appear to be moderately overbuilt under the catalyst of the new energy infrastructure wave.

Information source: Lidl Industry Research Network

【Policy】Hubei's 14th Five-Year Plan for Energy Development: 210 hydrogen vehicles and 12 hydrogen refueling stations! Formation of the whole chain development of "R&D + hydrogen production + storage and transportation + application

On 19 May, the People's Government of Hubei Province issued the "14th Five-Year Plan for Energy Development in Hubei Province", in which it is stated that

Reform and innovation have been promoted. The reform of "management and service" has been promoted, "one network for all" has been fully implemented, supervision in and after the event has been strengthened, and the governance of the energy industry has initially shifted from project approval to planning, policy, supervision and service. A comprehensive chain development pattern of hydrogen energy "research and development + hydrogen production + storage and transportation + application" was initially formed, 12 hydrogen refuelling stations were built, and 210 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles were promoted and used.

Actively explore the development and utilization of hydrogen energy. Focusing on the core links of the hydrogen energy industry chain, such as hydrogen production, storage and transportation, refuelling and fuel cells, we will promote the research and development of basic frontier and common key technologies and equipment. Encourage technological research and development of proton exchange membrane fuel cells, solid oxide fuel cell power generation and distributed energy systems, build hydrogen supply and supporting equipment manufacturing projects such as renewable energy green power hydrogen production, industrial tail gas hydrogen production, large-scale hydrogen purification and key equipment for hydrogen storage and supply, accelerate the application of hydrogen energy in transportation, industry, energy storage and peaking, distributed energy supply and plan supporting hydrogen energy supply infrastructure such as hydrogen refuelling stations Construction.

Information source: Hubei Provincial People's Government

【News】A new batch of hydrogen buses are in operation, and Wuhan HydraV Fuel Cell Tech. Co., Ltd.(One of the Vision Group's subsidiaries) is supporting them

After three months of route testing and trial runs, a new batch of 695, 271 line hydrogen energy buses, supported by Wuhan HydraV Fuel Cell Tech. Co., Ltd., were officially put into operation in Wuhan Economic Development Zone on May 23.

The hydrogen energy buses in operation are equipped with the Xiongtao Hydrogen Xiong VISH series fuel cell system, which can start at a low temperature of -30°C and has performance characteristics such as long life, high power density and stable and efficient power output.

Compared with fuel buses, hydrogen buses are greener, more environmentally friendly and more efficient. It only takes about 10 minutes to fill up a hydrogen bus, and the bus can travel about 500 km. What's more, hydrogen energy buses consume hydrogen and discharge water, with zero carbon emissions and zero pollution throughout.

Information source: Wuhan HydraV Fuel Cell Tech. Co., Ltd.

【Policy】 Jilin: Focus on promoting the comprehensive utilization of hydrogen energy for external review of feasibility studies and comprehensive utilization of hydrogen energy projects

Recently, the Jilin Provincial Energy Bureau released the "Work Plan for Promoting the Construction Progress and Investment Progress of Key Energy Projects" (hereinafter referred to as "the Plan"). The Programme proposes to focus on promoting the external review of the comprehensive utilization of hydrogen energy feasibility study, the preparation and evaluation of the pre-research report and the external survey of the seven new pumped storage projects, so as to achieve the early "can check as much as possible, can open as much as possible". Promote the early commencement of projects such as the upgrading of coal power units, the comprehensive use of hydrogen energy and the Jiaohe pumped storage power station.

The project of upgrading coal power units, comprehensive utilization of hydrogen energy and Jiaohe pumped storage power station will be started as soon as possible.

Information source: Jilin Provincial Energy Bureau

【News】 World-class "hydrogen port" is taking shape, accelerating the "hydrogen economy" global landing

The International Renewable Energy Agency expects that by 2050 about a quarter of the world's hydrogen will be used for international trade, including more than 100 million tonnes of green hydrogen and more than 50 million tonnes of blue hydrogen. Half of this will be transported by pipeline and half by ammonia ship. The importance of the "hydrogen port" in this context cannot be overstated. The port is both a driving force for the development of hydrogen energy and one of the first beneficiaries of hydrogen energy on the ground. In recent years, major ports and enterprises at home and abroad have accelerated the pace of layout of "hydrogen ports", focusing on the construction of the hydrogen energy industry chain and the clean and low-carbon energy consumption in the port itself in the short term, but also paving the way for the local hydrogen energy globalisation trade and energy transformation in the long term.

It is understood that a number of "hydrogen ports" have already taken shape in China, located in Qingdao, Shandong Province, Shanghai Lingang New Area, Tianjin Binhai New Area, Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu Province and Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, which are becoming model demonstration areas for the hydrogen industry in China and laying a solid foundation for the future development of the hydrogen industry. Overseas, the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles in the US, Rotterdam in the Netherlands, Valencia in Spain and Yokohama in Japan are all adopting hydrogen-related technologies to reduce carbon emissions from shipping and ports and to establish an integrated system for energy transition.

Information source: Association for the Promotion of Hydrogen Energy